
ponix produce

Taste the difference
in quality


Always fresh & local, year-round

We sustainably grow and distribute fruits, vegatables, and herbs to communities. Our food is grown with zero pesticides and in clean and controlled environments with full grow automation - allowing us to provide access to fresh food all year-round.

Secure consistent, tasty and nutritous produce all year-round

No more price fluctuations with produce costs

Enjoy non-seasonal food supply

Ponix Produce


Sustainably and vertically grown using advanced hydroponic technology

Safe & Clean Zero Pesticides

Ponix never uses pesticides, herbicides or fungicides on our growing process because our produce is grown in clean and controlled environments.

Natural Seeds Non-GMO

We use 100% natural seeds and we do not use any products derived from GMOs - resulting in easy testing and traceability.

Local Same Day Harvests

We ensure that our products are harvested within 24 hours of delivery - keeping our produce fresh and tasty.

Green Technology Hydroponics

Our hydroponic farms allow us to grow crops with water instead of soil. This method uses up to 90% less water, land and petroleum use than traditional long-distance soil farms.


Fresh, local, sustainable and tasty

We take the risk out of farming for both the farmer and the buyer. Our automation technology and advance hydroponic growing techniques guarantee consistent, tasty and nutrtious harvests

Hydroponics is a growing method that replaces soil with a water mixture that delivers the nutrients plants need directly to their roots. Hydroponic systems offer up to 90% water and land savings when compared to traditional growing methods, while also allowing for more precise control over the growing process.
Since we grow inside clean and controlled environments, we are able to grow all year-round. No more seasons!
Growing indoors has many benefits. One key benefit is having product consistency from a quality stand point. No more worrying if your products were delivered spoiled or crushed during long distance transportation.
We make sure our produce is consumed within the same community it was grown in. Because of this, Ponix protect against price fluctuations by contributing to localized food production and less transportation costs.
Growing indoors allows us to grow safe and clean. We never use pesticides and we track our growing process – from seed to sale. Knowing where your food comes from has its perks.
Our farms are climate friendly as our methods allow us to use 90% less water, less land, and less shipping fuel than traditional soil farms.
Ponix Summer Crisp


Take control of your produce supply


Ponix performs an audit on your current supply-chain and then crops are selected based on your needs


A Produce-Purchase-Agreement (PPA) is signed between Ponix and your business


Ponix installs a Ponix Farm on or near your business at no cost to you


You purchase all of the produce generated by our farm at a consistent fixed rate - fully packaged & delivered


Ponix operates and maintains the farm while you save money and your customers enjoy fresh, local produce


At the end of the contract, you can either renew the PPA contract or cancel at no cost to you


Learn what crops we can grow and deliver for you today

Variety of seeds on floor